Natural raw food for your dog and cat
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Top 3 Tips for Feeding a Raw Dog Food or Cat Food Diet

Feeding a raw dog food or cat food diet is easy with these handy tips...

Top 3 tips for feeding a raw dog food or cat food diet

Prior to converting to a raw diet, many of our customers have aired concerns that feeding raw will be hard work or time consuming. We understand that the transition can be daunting, but can confidently assure anyone considering making the change, that feeding raw dog food or cat food is surprisingly simple - not to mention rewarding! To help make sure your raw feeding journey is as easy as possible, read our 3 top tips below...

For a raw diet that is tailored to your pet, taking into consideration their breed, age and weight, take a look at our product range or pop in and see us for a chat today. 


1) Set a reminder to defrost tomorrow's meals

As with the frozen meat you'll be having for dinner, we recommend allowing 24 hours for your frozen raw dog food or cat food to defrost on the bottom shelf of the fridge. You're only human though, and you'll no doubt forget from time to time! To help make sure your dog's dinner is thoroughly thawed when it comes to tea-time, why not set a reminder alarm or even leave a post-it note somewhere you'll see it (we find the kettle is best so you can pop a portion of meat in the fridge whilst you're waiting for it to boil!).

2) Designate space in your fridge & freezer for raw dog food or cat food

There are a number of benefits to making sure your cat or dog's food has its own space in the fridge or freezer. First of all, if you've forgotten to get tomorrow's meat out to defrost, you'll soon notice when it's spot in the fridge is empty. Secondly, all of our meats are processed to human-grade quality so separating your own meat from your raw dog food will help to ensure there's no confusion!

Handy note: Investing in a selection of re-usable plastic tubs will help you greatly when it comes to storing both frozen and refrigerated raw pet food as you can label the boxes and you can rest assured they won't leak.

3) Keep an emergency stash of food

There's nothing worse than going to feed your cat or dog only to find you gave them their last portion of raw pet food yesterday! To make sure you're covered for these events, why not buy an extra pack of mince and keep some spare portions in freezer bags to tide you over in an emergency?

When it comes to feeding raw dog food or cat food, we understand that convenience is key! Our products are available in a range of sizes to ensure that your requirements are met, whilst you do your bit to ensure your pet's are too!

100% Beef Mince Raw Dog Food or Cat Food 1Kg
Our  100% Beef Mince Raw Dog and Cat Food is a highly nutritious, natural option for adding quality protein to your pet’s diet. This premium mix combines lean beef trim, cold-washed gree...
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