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Fireworks and How to Prepare Your Pets to Cope Better During this Scary Season

For Nettie it worked for both fireworks and even thunder and lightning conditions

Fireworks and How to Prepare Your Pets to Cope Better During this Scary Season

We have covered the topic of dealing with dogs and cats during the firework season a number of times in previous articles on our website. We will provide links to those articles a bit further into this piece just to ensure you can find them with the greatest of ease. However, we are always keeping our eyes open for new and innovative ways in which you can help your pets negotiate what can be an extremely traumatic time for them.

A few days ago, our founder Nettie shared another one of the techniques she has used in the past to help create an environment that her pets felt safe. For Nettie it worked for both fireworks and even thunder and lightning conditions.

Priming Dogs with Fireworks or Thunder and Lightning Noises

Now this technique will work with some dogs and not for others but there’s no reason it shouldn’t work for you and your furry companions.

Nettie originally used a CD to do this but with the fact that very few household even have a CD player anymore she found an appropriate YouTube video that does exactly the same thing.

The idea of this technique is to play firework, or thundery type sounds, quietly (to start with) in the background so that your pet starts to get used to hearing this type of noise without the fear of earth shatteringly loud explosions saturating their worlds.

Over a period of a few days you increase the volume slowly until it is reasonably loud (although, not so loud it will annoy your neighbours). With the gradual increase, your pet will experience this noise and process it as normal therefor no reason to become anxious or afraid. Ideally, provided you have done this in the weeks leading up to the noisy season, your pet should be far more comfortable with these kinds of noises when the time comes.

The YouTube video Nettie has found is available at the following link -

Distracting Dogs with Alternative Play Techniques during Fireworks or Thunder and Lightning Noises

Nettie had a dog called Manuka who was fine as a youngster but actually developed anxiety and fear as an older dog, aged nine. So, when a thunderstorm started rumbling in the distance Nettie would get a ball out and start playing ball with her dog.

She would sometimes employ yet another technique where she would play hunt the treats. Nettie hid dried meat treats around the house for Manuka to hunt for.

Apparently, this technique worked too well with her dog Manuka. On those occasions that thunder and lightning storms happened during ungodly hours, like 3 o’clock in the morning, Manuka would appear with a ball in her mouth with a look on her face which stated “Hey, look, a thunderstorm! Great, let’s go play ball!”

Now, we know that the above techniques aren’t for everyone and that there are other techniques that can employed like using calming supplements and sprays to help reduce anxiety in your pets. As touched upon above we have covered those other techniques/ideas in previous articles, and we would encourage you to go and have a quick read of those as well to ensure you are fully informed as to what you can do to make life in your household as prepared, and calm as possible.

The first of the articles cover a range of ideas to help create an environment in which your pet feels safe during those difficult times which can be accessed here -

The second of those articles looks at some of the supplements available to help create a calming and safe environment for your pet in your home and you can access that article here -

If you have any questions about anything you read in our blogs, or perhaps another concern, then please feel free to get in touch and we will get one of our specialists to get back to you and help in any way we can.